Saturday, 27 February 2021

Pineapple Pizza: Good or bad?

Pineapple Pizza: Good or bad?

Here’s my take on this fuss about this interesting topic

When you think of pizza, you think of any pizza topping which are equally great choice & which isn’t quite controversial or divisive. You think of Margherita for an example. 🍍

So when it comes to a pizza topping that divides everyone’s opinion = Pineapple pizza (known as Hawaiian pizza), there are big divisions on that pizza topping which includes a fruit. Pineapple. 

What’s a big deal? I don’t get why pineapple pizza topic is so divisive which shouldn’t had to be divisive. It is a matter of choice. Personal choice whether you like Pineapple pizza or not.

Why overreact about the pineapple pizza topic when you know very well it is not controversial topic or pizza topping? 

For me, I like Pineapple pizza. In my opinion, I do like it. It is delicious and tasty. When I tried it for first time, fruit on pizza is really an amazing topping which you can add a fruit not just vegetables like mushroom, vegetable & other toppings like pepperoni, ham, tuna, BBQ Chicken, meat feast, tandoori chicken, etc. 

Furthermore, who invented the Hawaiian pizza (Pineapple on Pizza) which is not actually Hawaiian? Sam Panopulous. It was invented in Canada. 

So please remember guys (pizza lovers & non pizza lovers), next time when you think of Hawaiian pizza as a pizza topping, just accept the fact it is a pizza topping & it is not a bad to include pineapple as an fruit on Pizza. Like I said, it is a personal choice. That’s up to you. You decide whether you eat it or not. After all, we all have different opinions on different type of Pizza toppings. For me, Pineapple pizza is good. 

So If you still think pineapple pizza is not good & that you tasted it before or not tasted then I don’t know how I would convince you. After all, I am not writing a blog post just to change your mind. I am telling you to accept the fact Pineapple on Pizza is a topping just like other Pizza flavours like Margherita.

So let’s all stop with triggered reactions & overreaction regarding Pineapple on Pizza. πŸπŸ•

Enjoy yourself with pizza topping of your choosing as you wish. πŸ•πŸ™‚πŸ˜€

Click the link for YouTube clip if you want to know more about Hawaiian Pizza aka Pineapple pizza.

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