Thursday, 18 November 2021

It is the end of Capita in Barnet?

Is it the end of Capita in Barnet? 

Well according to my blogger friend Roger Tichborne, he talked on his blog about his discovery that there is an published document by Barnet Council website. 

This is the document. 

It said “Five outsourced council services expected to return in-house following Capita Contracts expiry”. 

Well I say it is a good start but I really hope Barnet Council should consider saying sorry for all outsourcing contracts with Capita that have not benefited all of the people (myself included) as Barnet residents.

i have never liked Capita because of how they undermined things here in the London Borough of Barnet with the partnership of Conservative led council for outsourcing contracts. The same Capita who were responsible for many things that had happened in Barnet for all wrong reasons including the fact that they were the ones who illegally stopped the use of disabled freedom pass that affected the disabled in 2016. 

I don’t trust Capita (private outsourcing firm) & I hope if that is the case that contracts with Capita will eventually expire in Barnet & not having to renew then I think as Barnet resident, I can breathe a sign of relief. Plus the local council election is 6 months away (May 2022). 

Until now, I think that this is the end of Capita in Barnet. Or should I say Crapita. 

So with that, here are two songs. One is a goodbye song and another one is “Kick Out Capita” by Roger’s band the False Dots. 

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