Tuesday, 15 December 2020

London in Lockdown again for third time

London in lockdown again for third time. 

Unless you are reading this & that you don’t live in London or any Tier 3 area (that you live in Tier 1 or Tier 2), then you are lucky. If you are in London or any Tier 3 area or any areas like Essex and Hertfordshire that will soon enter Tier 3 lockdown, then like me, we are not lucky.

London in three lockdowns: March nationwide lockdown, last month nationwide lockdown in November and now tonight Tier 3 regional/local lockdown. 

By the time you read this, London will already been in lockdown by Wednesday midnight (as I am writing this at the time of writing. 1 hour left before midnight). 

I have explained fully in my previous blog post so I recommend reading my blog post when I talked about 2020 being a difficult and terrible year.

One thing I know for sure. Like other two Covid 19 lockdowns in March and November, we are going to get through this despite the incompetence of the govt. the Tiers system have not really benefit all areas of England including Manchester given the last thing we need is another lockdown with the same tiers system that was not effective to fight Coronavirus and the government having a row with local councils. 

So yeah, let’s all stay positive people. No matter where you live in the UK with different tier number. Same for everyone outside the UK.

Take care. Stay safe and god bless you. 

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