Saturday, 5 June 2021

My legal challenge against Travel Unravel

I would like to update you guys about my legal challenge against Travel Unravel Private Holidays Limited & my bank Barclays. 

I last spoke about Travel Unravel on my blog post. 

In April few months ago, I completed the judgement document against Travel Unravel as my dad told me to (I typed my name & my court claim number). Then my dad (given I know that he has a lot of lawyer expertise as he was a lawyer) advised me to not do anything like sending it to County Court Money Claims Centre. Having a concern that we would be doing on two different things. One with Barclays & one with Travel Unravel. Which I understood him but I said to him that we could had gone ahead to issue judgment so that the judge could had grant it to send bailiffs to repossess anything that belongs to Travel Unravel Private Holidays Limited. Even their business is online (as I know they are very dodgy & fraudulently not legit travel company). 

As I know for sure that they (Travel Unravel never response to it either by email or letter except Barclays as lawyers had done that via email on their behalf & that they are based in Bristol. Sometime soon, I am yet to hear their own defence to it).  I even sent a letter to them by granting a extension for another two weeks or so & that I already received a letter from court that confirms that my bank is having a little more to response.

Then few weeks later, I received a letter from lawyers TLP on Barclays’s behalf. My instant reaction. I will not discontinue my claim. They might be correct that fraudulent transaction which was done was debit card. However it doesn’t excuse the fact that Barclays put me in overdraft debt (taking the same amount £522.23 when Barclays did refunded me) when my bank balance was almost £200 & that I was in debt for short time until my mum added money (£354.19), bringing my balance back to the normality. So the response from Barclays is incredibly weak & failure for them to acknowledge my claim (given I know that I expected to be their own defence). Travel Unravel continues to not giving any response cos they are not legitimate travel agent company & won’t want to give response at all. I already informed everything to my dad about this. 

Then TLP would sent me two more emails next few weeks in the few weeks of last month May, one with summary judgment (what I saw is nothing but a fighting word) given I didn’t wanted their unsolicited advice to add pressure on me to withdraw my legal challenge against both Barclays & Travel Unravel. It is a wind up. It’s almost if they want to intimidate me by wanting to withdraw my legal case. Knowing that I have a evidence. They (Barclays’s lawyers TLP) have not provided evidence that is different to mine. They can say that I have “no legal basis” what they like, it doesn’t change anything and it doesn’t really mean that I do not have a definite proof of why I was victimised of fraud and scam. Knowingly fraud have took place & that flight ticket from Travel Unravel was never issued. No duty of care from my bank Barclays. 

One way or another, I will have my money back. 

Plus I have already posted a judgment against Travel Unravel last week (although I did posted the first one & it was missing. Never been delivered to County Court. I sent a second envelope & that it was delivered. Signed for) so I hope and pray that there should be a judgement on that matter & hopefully, I can move forward, hoping the outcome would be great and suitable. That is all I can say about this. I don’t often talk about things that happened in my personal life. 

Check my previous blog posts about my financial situation & the challenge against Travel Unravel. 

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