Tuesday, 19 October 2021

Mexico and Trump

Mexico and Trump. 

Did you know Donald Trump hasn’t visited Mexico when he was the US President? He was and still is unpopular there. 🇲🇽

Since Donald Trump became the President 4 years ago until January this year, he always talked about building the wall at the US = Mexico border. Couple of years ago, He called Mexicans “criminals, drug dealers & rapists” while launching his presidential campaign in 2015. youtu.be 

Broke up families at the US - Mexico border, separating children from their parents who want to settle in the USA and only visited Mexico in 2016 at the time when he was presidential candidate. Mexican people cannot stand Trump due to his racist remarks & policies.

Worst of all, Mexican women were sterilised in US migrant detention centre. t.co 

At least the current US President Joe Biden puts a stop to the construction of the Trump border wall at the US - Mexico border. t.co 

During the Trump era, US - Mexico relations were severely undermined by Donald Trump. Trump even declared an national emergency two years ago in 2019 for his crazy and idiotic border wall policy. The illusion policy that he keeps saying that Mexico should pay for it and all long throughout the Trump presidency, the Mexican government under both Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN) and AMLO (Andrés Manuel López Obrador) have not pay a money for the wall to be built at the southern border because they know it is was an ridiculous policy of the Trump administration. Trump would had asked the American taxpayers to build his ludicrous & expensive wall than telling the Mexicans to do so. 

This video from 2015 proves that it would be expensive to build the border wall between the United States and Mexico. youtube.com 

In fact, there is already a border fence at the border. Most of overstayers and illegal migrants, they come by plane or in the tunnel. Not on a foot. Everyone from America, Mexico and the rest of the world knew that Trump had lacked a proper sense regarding US Immigration which it had affected legals and illegals, damaging America’s reputation in the world stage and that we all know America is the land of immigrants and always will be the land of immigrants despite the subject (Immigration) is sensitive. I previously talked about it on my previous blog post. mrlimitless95.blogspot.com 

And the survey poll from 2016 from border residents both American and Mexican said by 80% that they do not wanted Donald Trump’s border wall. univision.com 

Also Trump behaved protectionist & threatened Mexico with tariffs regarding his outrageous immigration policy when Mexico had averted from the trade tariffs. apnews.com and Trump issued tariffs on steel and aluminium that badly affected both Mexico and Canada. At least he did lift the tariffs and launched USMCA trade deal. google.co.uk gtlaw.com 

Finally, former Mexican President Vicente Fox have been very outspoken critic of Donald Trump. He is the one who famously said in 2016 “I am not gonna pay for that f***ing wall” with one swear word. The F word. He (Mr Fox) said a lot about Trump. Describing him as the “false prophet”. Indeed, Donald Trump is a false prophet. I couldn’t agree more. youtu.be twitter.com twitter.com youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be youtu.be 

Plus the ex Mexican President published a book called “let’s move on beyond fear and false prophets” in 2018 during the Trump years.

So yeah. That is why Donald Trump never visited Mexico when he was the American president. Now US - Mexico relations under Joe Biden are back on track and being improved. 🇺🇸🇲🇽

I’ll end with the quote from MLK. “Let’s build bridges and not walls”. 

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