Saturday 20 January 2024

My New Year 2024 blog message

Happy New Year Everybody. 😀🙂

2024 is finally here. Plus we are nearly 3 weeks in (sorry about that, I have been busy in my personal life & work). January is nearly over. I hope you guys (my dear readers) had enjoyed the Christmas and New Year holidays in the festive season. As for New Year’s Resolutions, well my advice is don’t make promises that you can’t keep. New Year’s resolutions is one of those things when someone says things like “I’m gonna do this and that” & then next few weeks, no action happens. Rather than just talk without any results of how to make an effort of making it happen. 

So please if you are really going to do, make it happen. Have a goal for life & don’t wait for January every time when we enter the new year after 12 months of the previous year. Start now by having a goal not just for the year but also beyond. So do not have any New Year’s Resolutions that are unrealistic, undesirable, unspecific & un-achievable  Read more about my 2022 blog post about New Year’s Resolutions. 

So that is all I can say about it. Once I would like  to wish you guys a Happy New Year. Happy 2024. All the best for this new year and beyond. 

And stay tuned for blog posts from me throughout the year especially I need to get back to writing blog posts as often as before but yeah, thank you guys for continuing to read my blog posts. Have a awesome 2024. Let’s hope it’s a good one. 🙂😀

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