Monday, 27 December 2021

When Boxing Day is the day of hunting foxes

​When people think of the date on 26th December (Boxing Day, St’s Stephen Day or Day of Goodwill), it is the day after Christmas (Christmas Day) and it is often marked as second day of Christmas (12 days of Christmas as in Christmas Carol 12 Days of Christmas) or even second Christmas Day.

It is the day when post Christmas sales started to be on the sale for discounts in retail online and offline. Unfortunately it is also the day where some people will go to countryside (rural areas) in the UK to hunt foxes. 🦊 Foxing Day.

Every year annually on Boxing Day, foxes gets hunted & the Hunting Act 2004 is not even tightened enough to put a stop of all barbaric cruelty of fox hunting including trail hunting. Why? Because there is a loophole that carries on the so called “hunt free fox hunting”. 

I am so sick & tired of innocent foxes being hunted every year annually on Boxing Day (26th December. The day after Christmas) by the fox hunters. The fox hunters that they ride on the horses & bringing dogs (hound dogs that are big) with them. Everybody agrees that it is cruel and barbaric & that it is indeed a bloodsport. Killing animals all in the name of having fun is not joy. It is Animal Cruelty and there is nothing entertaining about that. It is not even a laughing matter. 

I have long opposed fox hunting and this is something that Conservatives wanted to do. Bringing back fox hunting & repealing the Hunting Act 2004. There were plans by then PM David Cameron to bring a vote to the House of Commons in 2015 but that didn’t happened given which Cameron himself is for repealing a ban on fox hunting 

So Unbelievable that he supported the “bloodsport” meaning fox hunting whilst being interviewed by Andrew Marr in 2015. Even 70 Conservative MPs say that they are against repealing a ban on fox hunting

Then there were plans & ludicrous idea by then PM Theresa May to called a free vote on the motion of bringing fox hunting and that she is in favour of fox hunting which had played a role in 2017 general election campaign and it had resulted for Mrs May to lose overall majority in the House of Commons. All because of her ludicrous policy ideas (dementia tax & restoring fox hunting). Not so strong and stable after all & that she abandoned a promise to call a free vote of restoring fox hunting 

And then, currently we have the current prime minister (Boris Johnson) who openly supports fox hunting and who is married to the wife who is an animal lover & opposes every form of animal cruelty including fox hunting. Even the controversial Nigel Farage supports fox hunting too

My point is that any politician who is on the right (Conservative or non Conservative) who supports fox hunting is not an animal lover and if anyone does participate in hunting foxes in any day including Boxing Day (26th December. The day after Christmas), he or she does not deserve to be called “animal lover” in the name of killing innocent animal who would often roam the streets & the wood as foxes are urban animals. Yes, they make weird noises and that they would eat chickens but it does not justify hunting them. 

What is the real purpose of hunting foxes who does not do any harms to humans? None. There is zero benefit to fox hunting. It is all brutality and cruelty. This is something those who supports fox hunting does not seeming to fully understand. It is against animal rights.

Those red orange creatures poses no threat to us humans and yet, we ourselves are killing them for nothing in the name of “having fun & pressure”. Those who hunt foxes should be prosecuted & even not being allowed to have a pet.  

When Boxing Day is the day of hunting foxes. It’s time that there should be a ban on annual fox hunting on Boxing Day completely. I don’t get why Fox Hunting is still the thing despite the law outlaws it.

It is very disgusting act & I really hope and pray that one day the cruel act of fox hunting on days like Boxing Day will be the thing of the past. 

Lastly, here is my friend’s blog. 

My blogger friend Roger and his 2017 blog post about his opinion on foxing hunting. 

My blogger friend Roger and his 2017 blog post about his opinion on foxing hunting 

And if you are strongly against fox hunting and other forms of animal cruelty & bloodsport, you can visit the Keep the Ban website for more information by clicking the link and signing petition against fox hunting. 

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